
d. 2021

Dear Foster Cat Friends,
It is with great sadness that I share with you that we recently lost our most beloved Tabitha (adopted in 2005).
Tabitha was a wonderful little girl and lived a very full life!
When we moved to Seattle in 2008, Tabitha became a skilled and seasoned traveler! The hotel staffs along the way all commented how beautiful and good she was.
While living there, we became fosters for the local animal shelter. Tabitha helped us to socialize more than 3 dozen kittens, 1 dozen cats, and a few dogs, too.
When we moved back to Pittsburgh, she was again a shining star at hotels along the way! When checking in or out, other guests complimented us.
She filled our lives with such joy! 
Fiona (adopted in 2016), Mac and Cam all miss Tabitha, too. 
She was so special to all of us!
With warmest memories,
Joan and Michael

FosterCat, Inc

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